RTVSLO: Slovenski film se predstavi v Trstu
V Trstu se bo nocoj s projekcijo slovenske manjšinske koprodukcije Epizoda v življenju nabiralca železa začel 25. tržaški filmski festival. Na festivalu bodo do srede predvajali več kot 80 filmov, med njimi pet slovenskih, potekala pa bo tudi koprodukcijska platforma East Meets West.
SCREENDAILY: Krogi, Screen Daily (ZDA)
Shot and framed with remarkable precision, cleverly cut together to imply more of an intertwining between the separate plots than there actually is, Golubovic’s direction also has the benefit of some truly dedicated performances.
INDIWIRE: Interview with Circles' Director Srdan Golubovic
John Nein, Sundance Senior Programmer says, " Srdan Golubovic's third feature employs a multifaceted, yet simple, structure that contemplates revenge, redemption, and reconciliation. Aware of how easily hatred and violence can create life-shattering ripples, he looks at the consequences of moral courage and asks whether a heroic act can generate ripples of another kind."
VARIETY: Film Review Circles
An unorthodox morality tale about Serb-on-Serb crime in which concentric narratives make for considerable resonance.
Serbian director Srdan Golubovic tackles the scars of war in Circles, a straightforward and ultimately moving film about the damage done to people’s soul from the hostilities that racked the region for years. But this is not a political film, dealing instead with the emotional baggage and the aftermath of fighting. Although the pace is deliberate and the film simmers rather than explodes, top-notch performances and traditional craft should make this an appealing entry on the festival circuit.
POLITIKA: intervju
Ima li herojstvo smisla, podstiče li da činimo nova dobra dela, je li heroj isto što i budala i da li je život izgubljen u odbranu drugog čoveka kao kamen bačen u bezdan – neka su od pitanja na koja će publika naći odgovore u filmu „Krugovi” koji je prikazan sinoć na 41. Festu.