Holywood Reporter: With Mom (Sa Mamom): Sarajevo Review
An emotionally charged portrait of family power struggles, budding sexuality and terminal illness set in contemporary Sarajevo, With Mom is a classy second feature from the young Bosnian writer-director Faruk Loncarevic. It stars Marija Pikic, the haunted beauty who co-starred in last year’s Cannes prize-winner Children of Sarajevo, and Mira Furlan, the seasoned stage veteran who was once a regular on the US sci-fi series Babylon 5. Premiered in competition at the Sarajevo Film Festival this week, where it is a strong prize contender, Loncarevic’s classy study in family dynamics looks certain of further festival play. It should also appeal to the kind of discerning overseas audiences who enjoyed recent arthouse break-out hits from Iran and Romania.